Hey it is 7:00pm august 24th 2007

Hi guys did you miss my riveting blogs  I am sorry I kept you waiting but I was in Oregon working with my Uncle and one of his friends Markie. We have been prepping the place for all the guys to come down on Labor Day weekend we pulled out a really big tree with only our bare hands ………….and a 337 Bob Cat excavator so we had some hard work to do.

Dennis’s friend Markie really likes his excavator so you have to watch him or he will get a little off task……


          This is Markie off task.

This is a before and after pic of the tree stump we removed.

stump-before-removal.JPG          james-in-stump-hole.JPG

Before                        After

If you look closely in the after photo you can see me standing in the hole the stump left in the ground.

We had alot of fun working we pathed some sections and lad some gravel for the 5th-wheels A.K.A camper vans because Dennis’s yard was completley sand. The drive up to Oregon takes about 10 hours one way non-stop so just a short trip.

I am going back up there for a fun trip in about four more days hopefuly and thats for another week so I hope you guys don’t miss me too much.