Merry Christmas everybody and Happy New Year.

Well Donna, Dennis and I all went up to Oregon for Christmas and New Year. We had a lot of fun even if it was raining most of the time. Christmas Eve and Day we were lazy and just hung about the house and looked at our new presents. Donna and Dennis got some work done. These guys plan as much work on their vacations as they do during a normal work week. We went bowling Christmas night, just Dennis, Donna and I. I wont tell you my score because it was bad and I am trying to forget that the seven year old next to me had double what I got.

Later in the week we met up with Dave and Bonnie (some of Dennis and Donna’s friends) as well as their kids and some of their friends. There was about ten of us all up and we all went glow bowling (that’s were they have those lights that make everything look white purple in the dark) It was heaps of fun. All the kids were on one lane and the adults were on the one next to us. I did a lot better this time getting some strikes and spares. I felt better about the whole seven-year-old thing earlier.

When I was not with Donna and Dennis, I was hanging around with the kids- Austin, Kaitlyn, Tom and Lauren. We all had a great time. We got to ride the quad’s the last two days we were there. I had lot of fun riding. With all the guys there was about six bikes and two people rode in the Razer which is a new side-by-side. I spent the night at Dave and Bonnie’s and we went riding again the next day. We left later that day and got home to California at about five in the morning.

I hope you all had as much fun as I did on your Christmas holidays.