Hey everybody sorry for the delay on the blog update.

My last week in the USA was a blast I had the greatest time with all my friends that I made during the time I was there. First I went on an awesome boat ride in the San Fransisco bay with Dennis, Andrew and one of his Alaskan mates. It was tons of fun. We saw one of the US battleships. It was in the bay temporarily before it was to be made into a museum in the water. I also got to see seals swimming in the water and at Pier 39 on the floating platforms. On the way back we took a look at Alcatraz from the bay.

The next day Donna took my friend, Cameron and I to Alcatraz Island. The tour is really cool you get a headset with a tape recording and you listen to the people talk about the prison.  On the tape actual prisoners and guards talk about living and working in Alcatraz. After the tour we went to the gift shop to see one of the guards and I bought the book he had written and he signed it. I also bought a piece of Alcatraz to help fund the renovation project. After Alcatraz we all walked down to Pier 39 and the Museum Mechaneque where thay have all the old arcade and mechanical games you can play. Later that night,  Dennis, Donna, Cameron and I met up with our friends the Furr’s, the Davis’s, the Avila’s and the McCullers and we all went Bowling as a final farewell to me. I had a lot of fun. On my last Sunday Cameron and I went Paint-balling for several hours. We played seven or eight games. I had a lot of fun shooting at the ground squirrels that kept on popping up like in a shooting gallery. There are some orange squirrels running around now because of me. After the Paint-balling we got to go Indoor skydiving. Our session was late so we went to Fry’s a huge electronics store. Then we went to a place called City Beach and played Pool until it was time to go back to the Indoor Skydiving place. When we got there we got bumped up a time slot and got to go in the tunnel earlier. They show you a video that explains all the different signals they will give you to help you float better. After you get suited up in a jumpsuit, helmet and goggles and ushered into a room with clear walls so your friends/family can watch you fly. I was nervous for about the first five seconds before the flight but once I was in there and floating it was awesome. When I was done it was Cameron’s turn he looked like he had a blast too. We all got two minute long flights. After the whole group was done then the pro skydivers had a turn. They were fun just to watch one would be up side down and the other right way up and they would spin around the flight room hovering. It was a sight to see. The next day it was Cameron’s Birthday so he had to go home. Later that day we were at the Knorr’s to have a goodbye dinner, but before that Markie, Andrew, Dennis and I went Indoor Go-kart racing. It was a blast zooming around all the corners and overtaking other people. We had two races and Andrew, Dennis and Markie all got into the top seven each time. I had fun just not crashing into anything. We had dinner at a cool Italian place that served great Lasagna. I enjoyed myself. My last day was just last-minute packing and double checking everything was good then we went off to the airport. We had dinner and talked until my flight then I went through security waving good bye to Dennis and Donna as I left then I boarded and flew home.

Thanks to everybody that was a part of my trip. I enjoyed meeting all of you and getting to know all of you. I hope we see each other again someday and wish it is soon. I especialy want to thank Dennis and Donna for putting up with me and being such great people I will miss them the most.
