Hey everybody how are things? Guess what I’m still in Maryland and I will be here until October 29 then I am back to California. I have extended my time in Maryland because I am going to the Middletown High-school Homecoming Dance I’ve got a date and all. The dance is this Saturday but the Homecoming American Football game is this Friday.

In the past couple of days I have been going to some really cool paces with one of the Cross Country guys Andy we went to a corn maze that a farmer grows in advance of Halloween. We also picked some pumpkins for them to carve. I carved a pumpkin a week ago but the squirrels have eaten most of it so I carved a foam pumpkin so they could not destroy that one too.

The next night we went to a Haunted House and it was really cool they had people popping out of nowhere like the roof and what looks like solid walls it was really realistic I have had so much fun with the Boyer’s they are really cool they know everybody I can’t wait until homecoming.

Till next time Bye