Hey guys sorry I am behind on the blog I’ve been lazy.


But here is what happened on my 16th birthday first Donna, Cameron (a friend of mine) and I went to breakfast at IHop a Diner that has great breakfast menu. We ate then the staff sang happy birthday and gave me a free Sunday it was cool.

After all that we all went Paintballing it was a good setup they had and Donna told them it was my birthday and I got another five hundred balls on to of the five hundred I got with the equipment. We played for a good two hours and I think we did pretty good considering it was only my second time and Cameron’s fist. Also there was some really hardcore people out there. We saw this guy that looked like he was a navy seal all blue and gray cammo and full auto paintball gun with dual CO2 canisters. I was crazy we had a lot of fun.

We had to go so we could get to the next thing on time. I got to fly a Cessna 172 for 48 minuets. We flue around Mt Diablo and got to see a lot of cool things. We got to see the Delta River and the top of the Golden Gate Bridge because there was some fog around the area. It was cool to see all the mountains from a bird’s eye view.

At the end of the day we all went to a drive in movie we saw The Bee Movie witch was O.K after that we watched Beowulf it was a good movie but I didn’t like the ending.

So that was my birthday.