Hi everyone I am back from my trip to Oregon

I have had so much fun this past week Quad bike riding in the sand dunes there where about 25 people there. My first ride in the dunes was with Markie on his Yamaha 450 his brother Andrew and his wife Natalie and daughter Ashlynn in the Rhino 4X4 and me on the Honda 400ex and I had a ball.  The next day Markie, Andrew and me went crabbing and we caught about 20 crabs some where Red rock and some where something else the same day Dave and his friends rock up and went on a ride and that is another level of riding they go through shoots and follow trails that are only just wider than the bikes there are some points where just around a turn the is a 10 foot drop into water so Dennis took me out in the Sand-rail which is really fast so once again I had loads of fun. Usually at night we would all sit around a fire and eat, talk and plan the next day. I think on the fourth day I was there we all went for a big group ride with the guys and me riding the Quads and the women riding in the Rhino and Ranger they are both 4X4’s and we headed to Boxcar on the other side of the Dunes about half way there we ran into a road block someone had tried to get their toy-hauler onto the dunes and got themselves stuck blocking the only way to Boxcar but we only had to wait a little before they let us through. Once we got to Boxcar we relaxed and watched people drag-race each other. Boxcar was a great place the water comes right up the dunes and you can see out to sea. The ride back was really fun we followed the beach back and went pretty fast it took about half the time it did getting there to get back. the day after that Dave and his friends left and the Furr’s arrived so we went out on another big ride this time to Horsfall which is the same distance and direction as Boxcar but on the other side of the Dunes once again we took the beach back the the house. The second night the Furr’s were there we went to the rib place to celebrate Cory’s Birthday and we had lots of fun. after that things started winding down we still had fun but people where leaving. My last ride was with Markie, Pete and Crystal it was a technical ride through the harder trails it was more difficult than the other rides. There were tons of people at the house there was (The Furrs) Ron, Shanna, Cory, Trina, Ricky, (The McCullers) Steve, Debbie, Sarah, Justin, Victoria, Brad, (The Knorrs) Markie, Andrew, Natalie, Ashlynn, (The Seattle version of Dennis and Donna) Pete and Crystal as well as Dave and his four friends and don’t forget Dennis, Donna and Me.

That is what I have been doing for the last week it was heaps of fun.
