Hey everyone, it’s me again and I am writing from Middletown, Maryland. I have been spending time with my Aunty Donna’s Parents Don and Sharon Boyer. They are Cross Country coaches so they have kept me busy. On the same day I flew in they took me to Brentsville Relay a nighttime Cross Country meet with something near 5000 spectators and runners on Saturday.  We went and to see the Antietam Battlefield – one of the many battle sites of the American Civil War. Monday evening we went to the Frederick County Agricultural Fair and looked around. We had some funnel cake and saw some big cows as well as little piglets.On Wednesday we went to another Meet called Mountain Run were the team had to run up this big hill that I would never have tried to even jog. Thursday night we went to an American football game and had a great time. Friday we had a scrimmage with a pizza party after I also played my first game of Ultimate Frizzbee. Saturday we went to Hershey Park (a huge Amusement Park) where we went on almost every rollercoaster except the wooden ones and we ran out of time. Sunday Don, Sharon and I went to Washington DC to see the Air and Space Museum.  It was really cool to see all the planes. We saw a movie about a gathering of all the rookie Fighter Pilots from multiple countries to partake in a large-scale air war exercise. I also saw the Washington Monument, Lincoln Monument, Vietnam Memorial, World War II Memorial, and the White House.On Monday I gave a presentation on Australia to three classes of thirty at Middletown High School.  I was tired afterwards but it was a lot of fun. In fact this Wednesday I will be giving another presentation to two classes of Yr 12 students I am looking forward to this.On Wednesday it was  Sr/Parent Appreciation night for the team. The team had a run with another school I was giving the ribbons to the top ten runners.  It was followed by a picnic for all the runners and spectators.  Nearly 250 people.Friday I went to the Outback Steakhouse with Don and Sharon.  It is supposed to be an Australian Restaurant (I didn’t think it was very Australian just my opinion) but it is the closest thing they have.  I was put off by the fact they didn’t have meat pies. (I miss them)Saturday the team had another meet called the Bull Run I didn’t even like looking at some of the hills they were that bad. I feel sorry for the people who had to run them. Sunday Sharon, Don and I went to the Boyer reunion I met Don’s uncles and Aunties as well as other relatives of theirs. I have had so much fun on my visit even on the days we didn’t go anywhere because we always have practice so I got to hang out with the team. I am looking forward to sharing the tapes of the presentation I gave to the classes with you guys when I get back.
