Even More Time In Maryland

Hey everybody how are things? Guess what I’m still in Maryland and I will be here until October 29 then I am back to California. I have extended my time in Maryland because I am going to the Middletown High-school Homecoming Dance I’ve got a date and all. The dance is this Saturday but the […]

More Time In Maryland

Well hey everybody I’m still in Maryland and having the longest two weeks of my life. I got here on September 14th it is now October 13th. I was only meant to be here for two weeks but I am enjoying myself and I am even going to the Middletown High School Homecoming Dance (which should be […]

My Time In Maryland

Hey everyone, it’s me again and I am writing from Middletown, Maryland. I have been spending time with my Aunty Donna’s Parents Don and Sharon Boyer. They are Cross Country coaches so they have kept me busy. On the same day I flew in they took me to Brentsville Relay a nighttime Cross Country meet […]

Oregon – Sand Dunes

Hi everyone I am back from my trip to Oregon I have had so much fun this past week Quad bike riding in the sand dunes there where about 25 people there. My first ride in the dunes was with Markie on his Yamaha 450 his brother Andrew and his wife Natalie and daughter Ashlynn in the Rhino […]

The Amusement Park

I’ve been lazy and not written about a couple of things like my trip to Marine World with Donna Grant and Riley I had lots of fun and went on my first big roller-coaster. We saw some dolphins which was cool it was hard to get pics of them in the air but Donna got one.                […]

Oregon With Photos

Hey it is 7:00pm august 24th 2007 Hi guys did you miss my riveting blogs  I am sorry I kept you waiting but I was in Oregon working with my Uncle and one of his friends Markie. We have been prepping the place for all the guys to come down on Labor Day weekend we […]

My past couple of days

Hi every body it’s 8:13 August 14th I have been having so much fun in the past couple of days I have been to the Winchester Mystery House which has 160 rooms, had a maximum of 7 stories, at it’s peek covered 161 acres, has two basements, 1257 window frames, 950 doors, 47 fireplaces, 17 […]

Fun At Home

Hi it’s 6:59 August 8th 2007 Hey everybody it’s me again I know all you guys miss me like hell so I though you might like this………..                      This is what happens when you go to a party with my aunt and uncle. And for all you guys that think I am slacking off here […]

My days at the fair

Hay it’s Friday August 3rd 2007 Yesterday and the day before I went to the county fair the first night we went to see the Quad Bike drag racing and it was really cool there four classes Little Kids, Under 15’s, B class and Unlimited class we the Little Kids and under 15’s where OK and […]


Hi guys it’s Friday the 3rd August 2007  4:34 PM  So I said I would send some pictures of where I’m at so here they are.                               This is the house and back yard see why we call it our golden yard.                               This is our pet lizard Sticky I think he got his name […]

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